(Formerly: Sto. Tomas National High School)
San Jose - San Pablo, Camaligan Camarines Sur

What went wrong and what went right during my off-campus teaching
Practice teaching is one of the most memorable moments in my whole college years. Blank faces, deafening silence, fast heartbeats-mixed emotions. This is the time were all the learning will be applied; a time to prove something , a time to be stronger, a time to act.
The first two weeks of my practice teaching was really challenging. Everything was new to me and I could'nt hide the mixed feelings of uneasiness and excitement. One of the thing which challenge me is, to handle the students with different behaviors and personalities. Truly, there is an individual differences. I have witness the different personalities and intellectual capabilities of the students. There are those silent type yet brainy and there are noisy but multi-talented students. I am blessed because they were part of my practice teaching. They taught me how to love teaching profession and they enlightened me to the real world of teaching. I've experienced the unexplainable contenment and happiness being with them.
Teaching profession is such a fulfilling and rewarding job. This experiences and learning I had in practice teaching is really memorable in behalf of pain and being tired. The most important things in this is that I know it will help me to become a better teacher and a better person.
Personal experience of the student teacher
Practice teaching is said to be the playing area of all the theories we studied and learned. Theories without practice are useless that's why we had our off campus teaching to be able to practice what we had learned from the four corners of classroom. It was December 01, 2015 when we send off to our cooperating school. I can't describe what I felt during that time. Everything is new, new faces, and new environment.
Teacher is not an east job. It is one of the busiest profession I ever known. It needs passion to fully enjoy it. As a teacher you must have patience, dedication and willingness of the work. Making lesson plan and visual aids at night itself is not easy things to do, and in the morning you prepare yourself to teach your class by your lesson plans that been prepared and sometimes you will extend your time because of some activities in the school.
"Experience is the best teacher" this statement reminds me of my unforgettable and memorable experience of my practice teaching in Camaligan National High School. Being a pre-service teacher is a challenge because it is not more than learning theories anymore but it is learning to become better and real teacher in the real scenario of this chosen profession. Everyday is a challenge.A challenge to handle the students with different personalities and perspectives. CNHS served as my training ground of what really life is in teaching.I have learned a lot of things in this school, not just in academically but also emotionally. As a teacher I must be patient all the time, despite of heavy pressure in teaching, in making all the requirements and in terms of having less time to relax. Patience, eager to learn more and love of the profession chosen is the key to success.
Im grateful to my very supportive cooperating taecher and mentor Mrs. Eva C. Collantes who teaches me of what teaching-learning process really is.
I will never forget Camaligan National High School my training to the world of teaching. The memories and experiences will serve as my foundation to become effecient and excellent teacher someday.