(Formerly: Sto. Tomas National High School)
San Jose - San Pablo, Camaligan Camarines Sur

Policies, Rules and Regulation of the School
A. Academic Policies
1. Basic Education Curriculum 2002
It is the policy of the school to provide for a free Public Secondary Education (D.O. No. 44, S. 1988). Conformably, the following shall be observed.
2. Admission Policy
No Filipino student shall be refused admission by reason of sex, creed, socio-economic status, racial, or ethnic origin, political and other affiliation, in the public school system. However, due to the limited space in particular school some students may not be referred to some other public schools preferably within the community or they may be referred to private schools under the educational service contracting scheme. Admission to central schools and schools identified as leader schools in Science, Math and English shall be based on established criteria.
3. Enrollment Schedule
To give enough time to students, enrollment usually starts 2 weeks before the opening of classes simultaneously in all year levels.
4. Grading system
The school year is divided into four (4) grading periods. Evaluation of student’s performance at the end of each quarterly period is usually held on the following months in the form of periodical examinations:
1st Quarter- August
2nd Quarter- October
3rd Quarter- January
4th Quarter- March
B. Code of Conduct
(Amended and approved, July 27, 2005)
To create an atmosphere favorable for learning and development of students, discipline is necessary, hence the following rules and regulations are herby amended, and adapted effective School Year 2005-2006 and thereafter.
School Uniform and ID
All students are required to wear the prescribed uniform properly with ID, when coming to school to attend regular classes’ everyday from Monday- Friday.
Prescribed uniform:
Male: White polo Shirt with school seal, dark blue pants, black shoes with socks.
Female: white blouse with ribbon and seal, checkered culottes skirt, 4-5 inches below the knee black shoes with socks.
Students are not allowed to wear colored T-shirt or under shirts.
MAPEH Uniform must only be worn during P.E. classes, or as the need arises.
Prescribed Haircut
All male students should sport the Semi-military type of haircut or 2x3 haircuts. Semi kalbo is not allowed.
Attendance Punctuality
All students are required to be on the time for the first activity of the day (flag Ritual for the morning), which is conducted at 7: 15 am on Mondays and Fridays. The school gate will be closed at 7: 45 am. Flag retreat is conducted at 4:30 on Mondays and Fridays.
School Property
Any student who unintentionally breaks or damages any of the school properties (i.e., tables, chairs, laboratory devices/ equipments) during class activity will not be held liable, but such incident must be reported to the Property Custodian for reference and record purposes.
Prohibited Acts
A student who commits any of the disciplinary offenses will be dealt accordingly.